Before a volcanic eruption
- if you live in a active volcano zone learn about your community's warning systems and emergency plans and what you need to do.
During a volcanic eruption
- stay indoors, along with your pets
- save water
at an early stage as supplies may become contaminated
- keep gutters and roof clear of ash to prevent roof collapse
DO NOT go sightseeing
- if you must go outside, use protective clothing. cover your head, breathe through a mask or cloth and carry a torch
Emergency survival items
- Torch and extra batteries
- First aid kit and manual
- Emergency food and water
- Manual (nonelectric) can opener
- Essential medicines (including paracetamol for fever)
- Sturdy shoes
- Respiratory (breathing) protection
- Eye protection (goggles)
- Battery-powered radio
- BBQ or other means of cooking
- Toilet paper, plastic bags and bucket
Remember to include
- Important documents
- Extra footwear and clothing
Before you leave
- Consider your pets
- Turn of water and electricity at mains if there is time